Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Prayer for a Woman I Do Not Know

Her brain is playing tricks on her, imbalances
An Angel Statue
I found here:
so many kinds and degrees, a miracle 
is what the doctor orders. A nurse, you'd think she might
have gotten help, but there's the cerebellum's strategem, 
convincing her that no one even cares. A note 
on Facebook so they'd know just where to find her, 
knife to throat, the horror gets me right there, base
of my spine recoiling. No Lifetime movie, no zombies
getting axed to pieces, this is someone's mother, 
sister of my friend and I want it all to end,
this picture of bloody lonely woman drenched in booze,
sitting stiff and cold in the tub at home, knife in trembling grip.
All she ever wanted was to make it go away, the
loneliness, divorce, questions, pressures, heartbreak.
What changed that no one else could see this coming, 
make it stop before it got this badly out of hand?
What tipped the balance in her brain? They may never know.
Her messages, last cry for help, and someone heard.
She's safe, for now at least. They'll watch her closely
so she doesn't try again, and then perhaps
dispense chemicals to take the place
of what is lacking in her life. Her family frets, 
and weeps, thank the Lord for Facebook. 
But there's no gettin over this, tragedy slapping 
them to the floor when all seemed well. 
I may not, either, but I'll pray for her
and them and me and you and all our trifling troubles
by comparison, to not spiral into whirlwind we don't see until
it sucks a loved one into vortex of despair.

(c) Ellen Gillette, 2013

Please join me in praying for this sad woman, and for her family and doctors.

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