Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Ghosts of Thanksgiving

They represent, collectively, 800 turkeys carved or more,
Norman Rockwell's famous
"Freedom from Want" painting
2000 pies, a treasure trove of casseroles, a semi load of
sweet ice tea, hot rolls with butter by the barrel. 
Sixty years, around, of holidays made special 
for their families and friends. Or not. Some have the look 
of scoundrels still. Old age does not erase past hurts,
but listening to now cracked and feeble voices try to
stay on key for Silent Night, I hope that there are people
who will visit those who gave them many memories 
in younger years, who set a table with the candles 
and good china, worked for hours on a meal because that's 
what you do. Or what you did once long ago.

(c) Ellen Gillette, 2018