just as it peeked around a cloud.
A bird perched on a piling to
watch for himself. Or herself. Proud
plumage aside, it's hard to tell with birds.
Easier with the new mom running
behind canopied baby stroller,
bouncing milk-filled breasts sore and sunning,
worth it to squeeze back into pre-pregnancy
jeans. The leathered couple speedwalking
north along A1A thought they could outpace
the UV rays, and so they may. Treasure stalking
man unloaded his equipment as I left the beach;
perhaps he struck it rich just minutes after, gold
doubloon giving him his moment in the sun. Reaching
the next town, I stood in line for rummage sale
behind three folks from France, glad of sunscreen
even though it was barely 8am. Up north, snow, hail,
they're shivering, dreaming of the summer when they'll
pack their bags and visit Disney. Just a week ago the mercury
dipped into the 40s--you should've heard the wailing,
gnashing of teeth down here. I enjoyed the turning
of the seasons, love it when it's cool enough
to open up the house, wouldn't mind a burning
fire or building a snowman somewhere just
to say I did, but I think I'll stay within reach,
if it's left up to me, of the sand and such,
the sun and water at the beach.
(c)Ellen Gillette, 2013
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