tired and achy, says he has no energy.
At work he rallies, instigates, makes it fun
for those with whom he works. They haven't
figured out he could have built their building
had he wanted to. No more early mornings
pouring concrete, baking in the sun, laying blocks and bringing home the bacon, which he almost never eats at home these days because of high cholesterol. Inside job,
he should feel better than he does.
The stress of life has worn him
down, there's that, of course,
but maybe something more.
I used to worry, make appointments,
run the show, but no,
this is his health and life.
I'll cook the food
he should be eating,
but the rest is largely up to him.
As hard as he has worked
throughout his life,
he's earned a rest from
stress, from whatever and
whomever he chooses, even
taking better care.
taking better care.
He's lost the vision of the
25-year-old who married me,
but that's okay. There's time
to try on 62, adjusting to
its fit. You won't be hearing
me complain, but I'll listen
if he wants to, offer help
as best I can.
me complain, but I'll listen
if he wants to, offer help
as best I can.
(c) Ellen Gillette, 2013
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