make lemonade."
That's what they say,
perkypeople, the folks at Hallmark,
people with no frame of reference
who should keep their tight lips closed.
Make lemonade? Screw that.
When life hands you a lemon,
devour the sour and spit out the seeds.
Let it turn your mouth inside out
and bring tears to your eyes.
Embrace it with teeth and taste buds,
conquer it, suck in every last drop.
Make lemonade on your own terms,
when you choose to,
according to a secret recipe
you share with no one else
unless you want to.
You don't have to play the perky game
or obey the folks at Hallmark.
You own the lemon.
It doesn't own you.
(c) Ellen Gillette, 2012
I love this Ellen - wisdom shared.