recently divorced.
Once committed,
now available, they could be
back in the saddle
like Sleepless in Seattle
but something hold them back.
The freedom surprises, appalls.
Getting a feel for
the temperature of a sunlit sea
in which so many fish swim
it makes their heads swim too.
Graying men stunned into
surreal existence.
"What we have here is failure
to communicate."
They wait
for something to happen,
someone to happen by.
It doesn't work that way.
It never worked that way.
Have they not learned anything?
Do they know how many
of their brothers, if they're honest,
wish they could trade places?
The excitement of a new chapter,
fresh start, no end to perky analogies
and they leave the book
unopened on the bedside table.
Sadness, for now
their only lovers.
Younger men, pride hurt
and kids to consider,
will find companionship
before the ink is dry.
(c) Ellen Gillette,2012
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