with their promise of a neat,
fine point making brilliance
possible, readable.
Reams and reams of white paper,
their potential almost overwhelming.
Bright folders to be filled with
notes and hand-outs
that otherwise, would have been
lost forever within the recesses of
desks. Gum erasers -does anyone really use these? Rulers, protractors,
compasses - watch that point!
You'll put out your eye!
Glue sticks that may or may not
do the trick, but try.
Kleenex boxes to offer innumerable
excuses for kids to get out of
their seats and drop notes to
friends or look over a shoulder at
the correct answer. So obvious to
the teacher, but they think they're
being stealthy. Dictionaries, little ones,
to look up the meaning of "stealthy."
Thesauruses. Why not thesaurusi?
I love school supplies.
Never before have I looked at the start
of school with such anticipation.
More quiet around the house, unless
of course I choose to sub that day
or get an early morning call for help.
Then more money. If there's a downside
I can't see it.
The kids do.
(c) Ellen Gillette, 2012
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