So many variables, with people.
Their problems, pasts, their DNA
and where they've lived and what
they've seen, and what's been
done to them. The books that made
an impact, someone's chance remark
that lodged within their brains and
helped to make them who they are
today, the way their mothers acted
when they were in the womb, choices, preferences, allergies, illogic, odd habits they acquired without a clue
regarding when, and here we are,
just trying to make sense, and fix a
sticky situation and we can't, because
the variables are Legion, and there
are no pigs in nearby fields to give
them all new homes. Numbers are
predictable in all the ways that people
are the opposite. I hope I never live
to see the day when 2+2 now equals six.
(c) Ellen Gillette, 2014
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