Once upon a time I was tenacious,
loyal to a fault, seeing only good where
darker motives lived disguised.
If you were kin or friend I had your
back, would stand up tall to anyone
who criticized you, even if the accusation
was correct, because (and this is key)
I thought it worked both ways.
Then I grew up, which took more years
than you might guess, and now I find I can
be lost, where you're concerned, at least.
Ignored enough, talked down to or about,
the butt of gossip or perhaps just held at bay
until I'm called upon to meet a need?
One day I may not be there to reply.
The line is fine between a solid trust
that all will stay just so, no matter what -
and taking it for granted, just because no
effort is required. So sorry that the rules
have changed, but if you didn't think that
I was worth the trouble all along, I doubt
you'll really miss me all that much.
(c) Ellen Gillette, 2014
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