also grateful that he chose to change
his mind about a certain tactic that would
get him in hot water, otherwise. Perhaps he'll
go back one day to another poem I wrote
about him which he didn't like because I entertained
the possibility (in print) that he might hurt
someone I love, a warning he ignored.. He didn't
take the hint, apparently, because he has. Hurt.
Now to me falls the appalling task of making
innocents make sense of what transpired
without-- because I haven't the desire to
hurt him back-- describing accurately
the man he seems to have become instead
of who we thought he was. Sad day, when
the house of cards you've built about
a person based on so much charm and
sweetness, talent, so much good you see,
comes crashing down. Unfair, of course,
because we always only see the side
presented. The same is true of others
looking in at me. There's plenty buried
deep inside that would be disappointing,
so my prayer is that this boy becomes
the man I thought I knew, and rather liked.
(c) Ellen Gillette, 2014
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