Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Poem a Day, Part One

Twenty-twelve was Leap Year, so today's marks
three hundred sixty-sixth in line although 
the blog began on eighteenth July. Some 
have been good, a few profound if comments 
from kind readers count (they do). A number 
were too rushed to be of any consequence,
but commitment stood, and stands tonight, and hence because another year's ahead. This blog would not exist
but for the gentle prodding of a friend who dared
to tell me I should write a poem a day, and every day.
And so I bid this friend good night, good year, and thanks
for such a rash, bodacious thought planted in my ear.
Part Two will be a year away, the poet wondering
what wonders will she find before that day?
Good night to you, dear reader, also, for if no one
bothers to peruse the print, has anything been written?

(c) Ellen Gillette, 2013

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for staying the course, Ellen. I've enjoyed the journey and hope to accompany you for a long time to come. For, as we all know but tend to forget - it's about the journey! And you're such good company!
