situation. No fine print that, squinting,
one might find allowing for return
of all investments in relationship
that's gone so sour and headed south, taken turn
for worse, the worse for wear. It's not
that I no longer care, but wish there was
a legal loophole through which certain
snarky person might be pitched.
Same person by the way, would likely say
the same of me, as stubborn, I refuse
to let myself be used again. So I say "No"
to the request, provoking pleas, demands,
manipulations, invocations, begging, thievery
of all that's honest and forthright. I'm done.
Forgiveness? Done. Prayer? Done,
and that, I'll keep on doing but this
bending over backward to enable one
so selfish, tunnel-visioned, is no longer
a decision I will make. It's freeing, really,
recommended to those struggling with the tendency
all have to some degree to live a life unhealthy,
smothered by another, unrelenting yoke
of codependency.
(c) Ellen Gillette, 2013
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