I read somewhere that the end result of selfishness is loneliness. I think this is true. |
Poor, poor pitiful me.
I would never let someone I love go through this.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
Nothing ever goes right for me, no matter what I do.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
I hate it here; we should go back there.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
No one cares. I have no one. I have nothing to live for.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
Things would be better if you would just do what I want.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
Why won't you give me one more chance?
Poor, poor pitiful me.
I'm sorry I'm not strong like you are.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
I want to just give up and die.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
Why did I even think you would help?
Poor, poor pitiful me.
I've tried to do the right thing and now look at my life.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
That's easy for you to say.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
Thanks for nothing.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
I wouldn't be in this mess if you would help me.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
You just don't get it. You never have. You never will.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
Why won't you just do what I ask?
Poor, poor pitiful me.
You have no idea what I have to go through.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
My life would be better if you hadn't ruined everything.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
It's all your fault.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
I guess it's all my fault. I'm worthless. You'd be better off without me.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
I'm so tired of people telling me I'm the one with the problem.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
I think you want me to fail.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
No matter what I do, it's not good enough for you.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
My friends don't understand why you're treating me like this.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
I'm sorry I'm not perfect like everyone else.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
Wow. I never thought you'd turn your back on me.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
How can you punish me for being honest?
Poor, poor pitiful me.
I have to lie because you wouldn't help me otherwise.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
I have to lie because you don't believe me.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
I stole because you left it right there.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
I stole because you wouldn't help me.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
It's your job to make me happy.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
You're the reason I'm such a mess.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
I can't stand living with you.
Poor, poor pitiful me.
I don't understand why I'm alone.
I don't understand why I'm alone.
(c) Ellen Gillette, 2013
Warren Zevon wrote a rock song entitled "Poor, Poor Pitiful Me" which I had never heard, to my knowledge. I was telling my sister about the poem I was going to post today and she said, "I think that's a song." I googled it and yes, it is. Linda Ronstadt and Terri Clark are among many who recorded it as well. One night I was thinking of some of the self-absorbed drama I have heard or heard of in my life, and decided that, like liturgical churches, those folks could have a litany of their own. To hear them talk, they have nothing else, so...
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