on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
they probably didn't stop to think
about all the
prepositions in there.
Probably didn't stop
to think, period, except that they liked
what they saw or smelled.
Snake-in-the-grass had given the fruit
two thumbs up, figuratively speaking
(it had feet back then)
or that it was rumored that
in the distant future
a Dr. called Oz would tell studio audiences
it was helpful for preventing prostate cancer.
They should've realized.
Maybe they'd still be there, living the high life
in Eden, instead of passing
on this penchant for
stupid choices to a zillion offspring.
Lord knows, we weren't built to decide such things.
Good and evil.
Right and wrong.
Truth and lie.
This church offers one version,
another church, so sincere, quite convinced,
yet another.
Politicians and pundits chime in, in dischord.
80% of doctors can't be wrong!
My parents said. My teacher said.
Wall StreetHollywoodMadison Avenue said.
Before the fruit, only one Voice spoke.
Dad and Mom should have listened better.
(c) Ellen Gillette, 2012
This isn't a theological discourse. If Adam and Eve hadn't disobeyed, someone would have. Bound to happen. If it hadn't happened for thousands and thousands of years, I would have been the first, pretty sure.
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