those shoes, that hair.
Gotta drive that car,
eat that, live there.
Gotta have what I want
without working for a minute
cause that's the way I roll
and that's the way I spin it.
Tell me to be patient
or responsible and grateful?
You don't understand,
I think you're just being hateful.
Don't tell me
how it used to be
when you were young,
way back
cause kids today
don't care bout that
so long's their life is slack.
Gotta have those jeans,
those shoes, that hair.
Gotta follow this road,
that dude.
So say your prayers.
Mama-san, I'm sayin,
better say your prayers.
(c) Ellen Gillette, 2012
My kids are grown, but evidence of an entitled generation abounds. I see it in my grandkids and their friends, see it in the classrooms where I substitute teach, see it everywhere I go. It's a little scary, and what's scariest is that they're learning it from ADULTS.
Not just their parents - David and I were having this conversation today. The medium [media] is the message! What about the instant gratification of the internet? No work for instant results. What happened to research in the library?