cherubs, ringing bells in time (mostly) to
familiar lyrics. Smiling parents watch, proud
teachers nod smugly that all their hard work
paid off. Little boy -- minion of Satan or
just a klutz, no one knows -- reaches
over, slaps the bell from the hand of the
freckled blonde girl in the middle. I hold my
breath in the millisecond when Anything could happen.
Tears of rage? Retribution? Dramatic exit unraveling
the neat tapestry of happy children?
Not missing a beat, not even one,
she glances at the bell on the floor, glances at the boy,
sighs a little sigh, begins to clap in time.
voice loud and clear. It's over so quickly
no one else sees the wonder we witnessed:
Simple, perfect, appropriate, gracious adaptation
to the circumstances, as holy as the Christ Child's
birth in a manger because there was nowhere else
for Mary to lay her head. I am amazed
to be in the presence of greatness,
amazed to be her mother.
(c) Ellen Gillette, 2012
Happy birthday, Becky! You were a precious little girl, still precious as a grown woman.
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