Saturday, October 5, 2013

Turtle Detour

A turtle in the road was not priority
for me or other drivers. Despite our
flaw, however, we nevertheless had to stop
and wait, detained mid-journey by a kinder
man who had the gall to park halfway off
the blacktop, get out (trusting that he wouldn't
be run over himself), and gently
pick up said turtle. It was walking
steadily down the broken center line
as if it led to Nirvana, making it a target
for cars on either side. Maybe it had been
walking for days. Maybe it just started, but
even those of us who would've passed
with the briefest of glances knew, at some
level, that it stood a good chance of being
hit, run over, crushed. And still we would
have driven past, some greater need or want
compelling us to rush, speed by, to look
the other way. I assume he held it at an angle
so it wouldn't pee on him, which showed
that he was smart as well as good. The turtle
remained calm enough but was probably perplexed
at the sudden appearance of a benevolent giant god.
Karma being what it is, I'm guessing that
this man had a pleasant day. As for all the rest of
us who waited on the road for him to
stop and help one of God's creatures, I am
guessing that the next time, if we can,
we'll be more apt to be the ones who
take the time to care.

(c) Ellen Gillette, 2013

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