Friday, June 27, 2014

First World Problems

The walk-in closet's bulb is on the blink:
a room for clothes, and I can't find the
one thing that I want for lack of light, which
stinks. Then just hours after sitting for a
manicure (I hardly ever get them done), I 
broke a nail! One of the television's acting up-- 
the DVR, at least, so now we'll be behind, the
kind of problem that some other countries
never have to face. And speaking of my face,
I'm pale. I need some sun! Perhaps a beach day
would be nice, but it's so hot outside, perhaps
I shouldn't go. When I filled the car up (one
of three we own) I didn't get my "cent's off"
from Winn-Dixie since my card was in
another purse, left home. I need some exercise,
but now my car is in the shop, and biking to the
gym would be too far. I had to buy the bargain
brand because the one I like was out of stock.
I got green lights this morning all the way to
work and so I didn't have the time to check
my texts. My tattoo got infected. That elective
surgery I've talked about will have to wait
until my new insurance kicks in later in the year.
We're out of water in the cooler, and the city's
smells of chlorine, don't you think ?

(c) Ellen Gillette, 2014

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