still pleated from the factory, girls in satin
(someone went a little overboard) and boys
uncomfortable but proud in ties and vests,
a few who didn't care and wore their jeans
defiantly. Well-behaved they walked in time
to Pomp and Circumstance although it wasn't
really graduation, moving up to middle school,
the end of elementary. Perhaps we have too many
celebrations, five-year-olds in caps and gowns
who have no understanding what it means. But
most of us will likely get applause on only one
or two occasions in our lives. Just think of it.
A portion will drop out. A few will spend their
high school years in prison, one or two may die
of some disease that no one can pronounce.
But not today. Today was fun, a happy memory,
all bright balloons and dress-up, punch with cookies after.
Shake the teachers' hands and thank them for their
service, put the tie and fancy headbands up when
back at home. Let them have today, remembering
the morning that a sea of smiling faces watched them
from the audience, and every hand was clapping
when their names were called.
(c) Ellen Gillette, 2014
Love this one even more than usual. Kudos to you for being a great sub.
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