Thursday, October 10, 2013


Our son Adam found a 1995 Ford
Explorer when he was 16. Ford
knew the design was unsafe but
figured they'd make enough
money they could afford all
the lawsuits. And now they've
made $2 million MORE than
they filed suit for against an
insurance company in a dispute.
Ford is getting even more
money than they asked for
in a settlement. They knew their
car was dangerous in '87,
paid out millions when the
families whose loved ones died
in Fords filed suit. Correction
of design flaws doesn't make up
for the fact they never owned
it, never said "We're sorry,"
no acknowledgement their greed
was more important than the
lives so many lost. Now the focus
is upon the company that
dragged its feet and owes Big Ford,
but Ford can never pay the debt
they owe to me for knowing
that the car my son was so excited
about driving could well be
the instrument of his death at
such a tender age.

(c) Ellen Gillette, 2013

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