Go outside. Jog in front of the tv.
My schedule's crazy.
Same 24 hours as everyone else.
I'm a morning person.
Get up earlier.
I'm too tired after work.
You'll find more energy if you move.
The kids are home from school.
Take them with you.
I could never run a mile.
Walk it, then.
What's a half hour going to accomplish?
More than a half hour doing nothing.
It's too cold.
You'll warm up.
It's too hot.
You'll sweat more.
I'm too fat for anyone to see me.
You'll be an inspiration.
I'd rather just sit here.
Earn the right to relax, first.
No one cares what I look like anyway.
Care about yourself.
It won't make a difference.
How will you know if you don't try?
I'm not athletic.
You're lazy.
I'm lazy.
Then change.
I don't like change.
But you're going to change, regardless:
softer, weaker, more depressed,
more insecure, die sooner, and feel worse until
you do. At least maintain what you've got NOW.
Move a little. You matter.
I matter.
(c)Ellen Gillette, 2013
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