Kids, all small and spongy, sure
you have the answers.
Them, you can control by do's and don'ts,
threats to take away this toy or that (but
only if you follow through). Deep down they
crave the boundaries, routine, stability that
comes when yes is yes and no is no and
they are freed from tyranny of
misbehavior. Then they grow up,
grow out of the illusions and the need.
Weight, if once you find the balance
between food and exercise. No one
makes you lift the fork or lie around
lethargic, unable to change channel
from something you don't want to watch,
when remote's battery goes dead.
Deep down you want to be healthy,
still see yourself at nineteen when
mushroom caps were things you put
in pasta and not what popped out
from waistband of jeans.
Choices, sure. Most of them,
at least. We have control from brain
to hand and foot, to mouth and tongue.
Don't have to speak up or speak out
or speak sweet nothings into ears
that aren't allowed. Those things we
can control. Out of everything in life,
so few.
(c) Ellen Gillette, 2013
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