Nor paper eating either, although
people with pica do just that. As eating
disorders go, there's no appeal. No pizza or
pasta, no pounds of pistachios regurgitated
lest the waistline wax like the growth each
month of lunar light, no puny portions
to work at wafer-thin (why?), just oodles of origami,
cases of copies, reams of IRS returns,
shreds of shredder remains. Not for me.
I like my food filled out, not flat.
The filing cabinet in my office, though,
eats documents for dinner. Things I know
were there. Know. Were. There.
Gone. Poof. Misfiled? Mi amigo, no.
Thrown out? I pout, peruse, investigate,
and still the archived announcement that
I Need Now is nowhere to be found.
Thankfully, a quick phone call's all
that's necessary for the trick and email
can't be eaten.
(c) Ellen Gillette, 2013
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