Sunday, January 6, 2013


             Paris, 1989 
by photographer Elliott Erwitt.
My apologies - originally I misattributed
a reversed shot to Henri Cartier-Bresson.
Many thanks to
alert reader Margot Krebs Neale
for pointing out my error!
Photograph from distant past,
chance phrase remembered
in a flash or dream,
single story among all those read
reveals deep truth, remains imbedded
in tangled memory, bitterness
expressed once too often, a death,
a promise, lazy stroke of finger
upon knuckle meaning nothing
(meaning everything).
Interruptions to the way
we've always thought, seen, felt,
experienced, assumptions upon
which personality teeters, life
jolts us out of lethargy and we
are forever changed.

(c) Ellen Gillette, 2013


  1. Hello, may i say that the photograph is by Elliott Erwitt and not Cartier-Bresson
    I like your poem and the picture suits it.

  2. Thank you so much for pointing out my error! When I researched it, I discovered that whatever photo I had used was also reversed. I had googled for Cartier-Bresson and for some reason, the photo had appeared...and I didn't do my homework!
