Losing friends, losing one's mind.
Losing your cool can be costly,
spouting words that can't be called back
before the other person's face morphs
into something ugly, and you know
you deserve it.
But to lose one's special pen (again!),
a bill that has to be paid today OR ELSE,
instructions for something too old to be online,
photographs or the only other sock that matches
that particular outfit,
the freakin' cord to power up the mp3 player
that, of course, can't use a generic one
because that would be too easy.
These are things that plague people
like me.
Every. Single. Day.
We're organized workers because we have to be.
more organized when we're rested,
stress-free, just done with a yoga DVD,
but how often does that even happen
in the real world?
The bill got paid online.
I can listen to music another way.
She could buy another pen, you're thinking,
but that's not the point.
That was never the point.
Which reminds me that Lost-the-show's final
episode was stupid, cliche, making the hours
spent building to that point seem like
a waste. I lost that time forever,
time I might have spent finding
things that were more important,
or not losing them at all.
(c) Ellen Gillette, 2012
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