Monday, November 10, 2014

Joan Today

Some students went to sleep, their heavy eyelids
proving more powerful than the weight of the story
on the screen. Some cut the fool with silly comments 
inappropriate to what was reenacted for their education.
True story, tragic ending of religion taken to extremes,
no one was likely to relate. It wouldn't happen now, so
why the hist'ry lesson anyway? If Joan of Arc appeared 
today, she'd be the darling of the media for days, perhaps,
or host a morning show, where comments on her shorter hair
style would be sprinkled in with guests questioning her sanity,
that visions are not real, perhaps she needs some medication
and then she would answer quietly, so wisely that they'd look
like haters, cut to commercial now, but none would burn her
at the stake, too civilized for that and much too secular.
She'd just grow old, and write a book, go on a speaking tour
and have a website for her fans who dress alike.

(c) Ellen Gillette, 2014

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