Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Heavy Beds

A million mites inside,
Looking for a graphic, the bed mites were
too scary, and new mattresses just
reek of advertisement. This was so clever,
I had to borrow it.
alive and feasting on
the dead cells shed by
sleepers, lovers, strangers
in the bed. It makes no diff'rence
to the mites if couples couple
on the mattress they infest,
or if they merely coexist.
They're tiny, not especially
bright, adding weight
to worn-out innersprings
or foam concerns but maybe
not the heaviness some
people feel when slipping
underneath the sheets with
someone they once knew
but do not, now, nor love.
The purchase of a brand new
bed that one can bounce on,
silly, without spilling a
dramatic glass of wine, or one
with numbers for the firmness
one side likes opposed to what
the other side prefers, or just
a pillow-top on sale to feed
the need for retail therapy,
a lonely and unhappy bed's 
more of a problem
than its weight.

(c) Ellen Gillette, 2014

I know there are those who would disagree, but if a couple isn't compatible in bed - which could mean more physicality for some and less for others...the point is that both people have the same thoughts on the matter - they won't (in my opinion) enjoy lasting compatibility elsewhere. I was thinking about small houses, having passed a one-room cottage on Indian River Drive, and then about living in one room, and how that might be very nice, with the right person to share it, or very miserable, with the wrong.

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