Friday, August 16, 2013

Negativity Gnaws

Negativity gnaws as all the flaws
"Picnic for Stringed Quartet"
by Eran Dinur
Apparently there was a competition
and this won 1st place.
Very cool. And strange.
of everything and everyone around me
seem to grow, inflating, grating on
my nerves which serves no purpose
other than reminding me that life's
too short to live a single hour
with all this sourness sucking out
the sweet and blinding me to what
I know to be reality: the good,
the kind, the love and hope and joy
that are for reasons I don't fully understand
hiding somewhere else today.
I know they're there, inside. Your laugh
would bring them out. Your touch would
make them stay, and negativity would
flee like bugs might scatter in a sudden light,
to find another crack in which to scuttle.
Without you here, however, I must
do the work myself, slow crawl out of
this hole as stringed quartet stands at
the edge and doesn't offer help but
plays a song I've never heard before.

(c) Ellen Gillette, 2013

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