Friday, August 9, 2013

A Thing To Point To, Part One

Subtle need we must be born with,
pointing to accomplishment, the drive
to say "I did this" whether we are
five and hold some garish drawing up to
parent, proudly showing off the way
we stayed within the lines, or older,
sewing clothes or planting gardens. We
point to house we built or door we
stained, perhaps with fanfare, most times
not, but still, there is a moment when
we pause and hope for some response
from those beside us; just a wee "well done"
fills up the space. Whatever age we are, the
good grade splashed across an essay,
room with the tasteful decorations,
meal prepared from some new recipe,
report completed under deadline, speech
given, execution of a plan that worked,
article with byline, yard mowed neatly,
trees trimmed and limbs hauled to the curb, 
dress hemmed, performance ended with a bang. 
Some achievements warrant standing O's 
but those are few and far between. Still, 
every day, the things we do, the care we take, 
the second mile we go accomodating others, 
these are things that wait, sometimes in silence, 
for scant recognition, gratitude, a simple nod to
time and effort and expended talent.
Medals are not necessary, nor a plaque
to hang upon the wall. All that we mostly
need is "thank you." Which, of course,
works in reverse as well. The things that others
do, the care they take, the second mile
they've gone accomodating often
do we stand there mute in hope they'll
mention what a good job that we've done
while they are standing, hoping, for exact
same words to issue from our lips?

(c) Ellen Gillette, 2013

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