Tuesday, August 20, 2013

How Are You?

 Howareyoudoing. Howareyou.  Howdoyoufeel.
Three questions often asked, sincerity and smile
with well-masked hope that our response will
fall into the comfortable categories they expect.
We rarely answer honestly, adhering to the code
of practiced falsehood. Good, good, we say. I'm fine. Maybe a sober, daring "hanging in there" only if the person knows us well enough to take a guess at current struggles, or if we're too on edge today to bother with the niceties our culture has required. But if I take a chance, reply I've had a lousy day,
how odd that so few ask for explanation. Just as well,
because there will be times when I am overflowing so
with joy I won't be likely to express it well with words,
and it won't matter, for the ones who really care,
already know the sadness sometimes in my heart,
already know my happiness, because it's shared.

(c) Ellen Gillette, 2013

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