and K to first, another.
Then 5th to middle,
8th to high. The senior pomp
and circumstance abruptly
ushers in reality
(unless of course a college
course can interrupt) with fitting
fanfare. So many other graduations
boil the big ones down to mush.
I know, I'll hush because proud parents
pay for caps and gowns
from tiny ones to teen, suits
that mean he's made it,
fancy dresses that are at once
too short, too low, and too
much glitz and puttin'-on -the-Ritz
when all they've done is pass.
Alas, they'll outgrow fancy duds
before you know it. Makes no sense,
too many Big Events, too little
special days to work for, earn,
look forward to. Attempts
to turn low self-esteem to
something else too often
mean we sacrifice them to the god
of Look-At-Me. Where is the draw
of doing well, the striving to excel
without a party promised at the end?
(One day from this life
to the next, no sin or strife, no
tears, no tears up there.
Now that's a party worthy and for which
we'd better all prepare.)
(c) Ellen Gillette, 2013
I do not bedgrudge the parties. End of school parties are always nice, but all the graduations? Everyone "graduates" from one grade to the next. I just wonder if limiting ceremonies to high school and college might endow these achievements with more of the weight they deserve. Okay, give the kindergarteners one too...they look too cute in those little gowns. Bah, humbug.
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