to thank my body for its faithful service,
gently rub sore shoulder just as I'd
rub yours if you were hurting, murmuring
soft words of affirmation. In fact, my shoulder
seemed to hear me at some level and relaxed
enough into the stretch that I took it as
a sign to talk to other parts, appreciating
strength of legs and arms, the faithful work
of lungs and heart, a little talking-to to rounded
belly warning fat cells that they have to go
but thanking them for years of service in the past.
Rubbing feet, so much abused, reminding them
I'm trying to do better in the way I treat them,
thanking them for carrying me all these years.
What would I do without them? Same with eyes,
and ears, and private places that have served me
well and brought me joy. My brain, in charge,
had never thought to stop and speak to each
of these in turn. How often have I only mentioned
that my shoulder hurt or counted wrinkles or
became annoyed at other blemishes or itches
rather than embrace the whole as healthy, even
as a work of art? But something different started
when I took the time to soothe myself this morning.
At 55, I still have much to learn about my body
and relationship between the muscles and the nerves
and all that's in between, even breathing is a skill I
should develop! Management does well to know
how all the staff is feeling, asking what each needs
to better do their jobs.
(c) Ellen Gillette, 2013
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