faithful group beside its banks to sing their thanks
that the Son rose too. Churches joined in
fellowship for hearty breakfast after;
sitting here I wonder whose sermon was
preached in the coolness, little wisps of
fog with every word, whose kitchen filled with
sausage smell. I wish them well in Lillington,
remembering years past when I was there
by Peebles Pond myself.
(c) Ellen Gillette, 2013
Cecil and Kay Peebles own a beautiful piece of land in Lillington, NC that includes a pond. The community sunrise service has been going there for years, pre-dating their ownership, so some still call it White Pond, or even White-Peebles Pond. We lived in Lillington for five years, and I attended several of the Easter services there, sang at one, enjoyed the breakfasts. Good memories. And I see on Facebook that both Cecil and Kay are sick this weekend, so sending prayers of healing their way!
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