comes forth from brownish cows. At four or five,
just learning of such things, the logic of it's perfect sense.
But what of fat free half-and-half, punch line
for discerning coffee drinkers of a certain bent.
My question is how a thing that's one half
cream, or should be by the label, can get away
with such a wicked scheme. Unable to deliver
taste or texture one expects, this masquerade,
charade, sham, chicanery, guile,
has the nerve to hang out in the dairy aisle!
Carrageenan and diglycerides,
citrates, phosphates, not my style.
I'd much prefer that honest inches should
be added to my frame. And that would
mean no charletans, but good ole' butterfat.
(c) Ellen Gillette, 2013
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