Saturday, September 1, 2012

Four Women

four women, just four
each beautiful in her own way
adding to his store of memories,
at once vivid, haunting, relentless.
times four.       

the first, his first
his bride, mother of sweet child.
initial bliss twisted over time.
stabbing with words, blame, accusations, disappointment,rage.
she abuses him.
still he stays, for now.

the second, a surprise    
his teacher, obliging playmate.
temporary bliss ended affably.
instructing in whispers, adventure, education, pleasure, fun.
she uses him.
he doesn’t mind, for now.

the third, so young    
his regret, consoling lover
hoped-for bliss that could not last.
pleading for more, delight, plans, intensity, bitterness.
she loses him.
he spirals in despair, for now.

the fourth, old friend   
his joy, reason for living
mutual bliss that astounds
laughing together, risk, caresses, dreams, obsession.
she chooses him.
he chooses love, for always.

(c) Ellen Gillette, 2012

Most people my age or older can look back and count more than one special relationship, although a few folks marry their playground love or high school sweetheart. Having breakfast with my folks this week, I had the pleasure of observing a couple in their 90s who just found each other. The new love doesn't replace the former loves who have passed on, but they are clearly enjoying a new, last chapter. I love that - there is always room for love in a person's life if he or she is open to it. This poem looks at one hypothetical man who has loved various women, various types with less-than-satisfying outcomes, over the years, only to discover one last love.with whom he can be happy at last. It's sort of an Everyman poem. We all want to love and to be loved, don't we?

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