Saturday, April 15, 2017

Beautiful Lady

The prompt for my writer's group this
month (and I can't make it anyway)
was to complete the sentence:
"I am beautiful because..."
I am beautiful
my mother said it,
or my father,
or another man?
Is there an absolute
or are we talking relative?
Some natives know that
beauty means huge drooping earlobes
but at some address, it is golden tresses;
at still others, ebony. Straight teeth
or lots of curves, a certain weight
(which differs greatly in the world,
the target, Cinderella’s shoe of pounds or grams
abounds in ads and articles that tell the
mindless masses
what is beautiful this year.
A teen, I read a book whose
character said, “Every woman is
as beautiful as
some man thinks that she is.”
It made a big impression at the time.
And then I had to talk myself into
another truth to fit the circumstances,
so I didn’t think that it depended all
on me. A man who wants your love
will tell you anything.
A man who truly loves you
sees the beauty of so many things:
a smile, a sassiness, the eyes,
the way the hips sway back and forth,
and he is blinded to the faults
that (honestly) exist in many
forms and fashions.
I’m beautiful? You bet I am,
and any woman who knows love,
(but even more than that, she loves herself)
will say the same. The scars and sags
and imperfections only add more
interest to the eye of someone keen
on knowing everything about you
(which includes the woman at
the center of the conversation, too).

(c) Ellen Gillette, 2017

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