(whether he or she, I couldn't tell)
as I was looking something up that
clearly held scant interest for an arthropod.
I watched it for a second, and then
swept my hand across the screen without
a thought that (to the spider) this identified
me as a bully, ignorant and mean.
Perturbed upon its landing, Spidey scuttled
off the table, quickly spinning an escape
route, landing on the floor in indignation.
I watched, amazed, detecting a sudden change
of tiny mind. Anchoring the web invisibly
to some random point there on the tile,
it climbed back up again, perhaps to cuss
me out, but I showed it who's smarter,
shut the laptop, left the table, leaving it
to think it scared the big buffoon away.
(c) Ellen Gillette, 2015
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