and I wasn't an invited guest at either,
but I heard each word at one
because a dozen pre-teen girls
cannot be quiet; this is a law, and was
I not required to keep such quiet at
school, perhaps their noise would not
have bothered me as much. (It bothered
me a lot, as if no other person in the
pizza place had business there. Don't
get me started on the selfishness of youth.)
The other, on the water, for a toddler
only newly walking, was quieter, and
happier, because there were no pre-teen
girls in sight. Despite the fact that toddlers
are not known for their politeness, this group
was more reticent, and offered me a cupcake,
then cranked country music (not the good sort,
either) way up, loud, outside my door, a private
concert unrequested. Then, as sunset turned the sky
to pink, the party vanished and ...thank you, Lord...
they took the music with them.
(c) Ellen Gillette, 2014