he'd build the Church upon, reaching many
with the gospel's light, but Peter
had a wife who knew him first,
his shoe size and his smell fresh
off the boat, the weight of him at night.
St. Peter now, but then he wasn't,
just a rather brash and prideful man,
more comfortable with fishing nets
upon the stormy sea than preaching
to the masses, but he did so and
succeeded. Not brave or masterful,
denying Christ until the crowing
of the cock, this Rock (which "Peter"
means) had feet of clay. The day he
hung there upside down upon a cross,
I wonder if his wife could bear to
watch, or if she wished he'd stayed
the same, simple man who reeked of
brine and fish, but kept her warm.
I'd like St. Peter better if he'd
mentioned her by name.
(c) Ellen Gillette, 2014
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