that you need to comprehend. It isn't proclaimed
lightly, or because I can and want to make a declaration, but because you need to hear it, need to be reminded of a universal truth so often overlooked within the sermons saturated with such density of erudition I can scarcely squeeze between the loftiness and learning to present myself anew to those who sit in pews awaiting breath of life. Even then it's often choked back, lack of soft embrace for so much grace they
cannot understand it.
In a world where millions go to bed at night
without a thought of Me all day, whether pleasant
hours or not, you talk to me throughout your
struggles and your joys, sometimes blaming me
or thanking me but in those momentst(hough
you're not the only one on earth to do it even
at that time) when My name's lifted up, the very
ears of heaven listen. So many do not know Me,
do not care, think Me dead or relegated to a shelf
of dusty thoughts that once had meaning to the
simple and uneducated but no more, not in this
age of such enlightened progess. And yet you haven't
left me, though I've hurt you, stabbed you
with my lance of love that often looks so ugly
in darkened atmosphere of earth. Still you speak
My name, and love me, trusting Me with every
aspect of your life. I never liked the bloody vows
and severed limbs of perfect lambs upon the altar,
though I told the people to perform such rituals
to lead the way to better and more perfect sacrifice.
You have given Me so little, really, were another
keeping count (which we well know is done and
always will be) but the very conversation you continue,
dialogue with deeper meaning than you'll ever know this
side of glory, fills My heart with gladness, makes
me smile. Remember that, my daughter, that
your sins are nothing in My eyes when balanced
opposite the weight of love. Mistakes and blunders,
misconceptions, teachings false and gross disceptions
ever fail to tip the scales against the favor I bestow.
When I look upon your tears and silly strivings,
I hear Myself so praised within the parentheticals
of the little that you know and magnitude of what
you feel, that I stop to listen to the song I've
never tired of hearing.
(c) Ellen Gillette, 2013
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