of someone in your arms, the baby that was gone
too soon because such things just happen now
and then, or perhaps it was a plan, decision
made in quiet desperation, and you regret
the act -- or don't; in this case, how and why
don't matter much -- or the ache is muscle
memory for one who grew to be a handsome
son or precious princess with your smile and then,
without a warning, had to leave this earth too soon,
before you'd finished spending time and tears
investing in their life...if that is you, my sister,
know that on this day we set aside to celebrate
maternal blessings, you are not alone. Around
the globe, next door, right here are others who
were mothers and then weren't, but always will
be somewhere deep within their hearts. And
somewhere, I believe, those children are alive
and know your pain, and wish that they could
take your hands and kiss the tears away. If
you feel you need to ask for their forgiveness
(for losing them, in one way or another) you
are wrong. If you feel that life has robbed you
you of your purpose, you are wrong on this
point too. As long as you are living you can share
a mother's heart, a mother's love, with someone...
starting with yourself. For tell me, sister lonely,
sister sweet and sad, who needs that love,
right now, as much as you?
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