Sunday, August 22, 2021


 I saw it just before I planned to leave,

an angel on the ground between the bench

that honors Daddy and the marker for my son.

I'd come to grieve the day alone, to sit and weep,

to pray and drink my coffee, read the paper,

just be close to what is left of him now 21 years later.

And then I saw it, lying on its back --  a fallen angel 

moved by wind or clumsy groundsman, who could tell. 

That phrase, though, struck me: fallen angel. Satan fell

from heaven's glory  and it is said he pulled a third

of all the millions down to earth, which means the good

are more by far, but further from us. We run the risk

of judging wrongly, not just people but these

other-worldly wonders too. For who's to say a "fallen angel"

isn't just one resting there to feel the coolness of the grass,

enjoy the sun upon his face, a momentary break

before he once again does battle for us all? 

(c) Ellen Gillette, 2021

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