Saturday, March 22, 2014

End of the Movie

The ends of several movies - based on true
events, a comedy, adventure- clicking through
the channels late at night: twenty minutes here,
another thirty there. Unless I'd seen the full length
feature in the past, guessing what had happened
to get the actors to the place they were by the points
in scripts I met them. Why was she crying? How did
those two get together? Which is exactly what it's
like with so many people that know - we see them
here and now, mostly guessing how they came to
be this bitter, or this pleasant, often so far off in
all our speculation. You can read some people
easily, they wear it all upon their faces and the
tone of voice they use, but others are more prudent,
keep you wondering, inviting you to join the
journey that they're on, inviting you to tell them
how you got here in the first place.

(c) Ellen Gillette, 2014

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