The champagne spilled, her laptop compromised.
How many moments just like these, she thinks,
have been encountered in a lifetime? Momentary
things gone wrong, and yet, assurance that not
everything is lost. The memories of all that really
matters is intact. The people who still care, although
the names may change from year to year, are there.
No data missing, no relationships that mattered
in the last twelve months will matter less, perhaps
a few, of late, have faded but that wasn't anything
that she would or could have changed. The champagne
sopped up with a towel, she is hopeful that the year
ahead will bring some changes for the better. Still
she weeps for what she's lost, for difficulties she'd have
rather helped her loved ones to avoid but they would
not. She hears the sound of fireworks in the distance
and she prays that next year will be better, that a year
from now, she'll toast the turning of the calendar with
and hope,
and love.
(c) Ellen Gillette, 2018